Monday, February 1, 2010

Pregnancy Update: 17 Weeks

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and we got to hear the heartbeat again. I was also slapped in the face with the news that I had to have TWO flu shots! I had the H1N1 in one arm and the regular flu shot in the other. I seriously almost cried when they told me I had to have shots. The nurse said, "If you can't get through a flu shot, you'll never get through labor!" I told her I already went through one labor and Brian added that I had even had an epidural. She said, "Have you SEEN the epidural needle? It is HUGE!"

Ummmmm.... NO! Like I would ever look directly at a needle... EVER! Let alone one that was going into my spine! And at that time I didn't care WHAT they did to me!

At any rate, I survived the shots and I'm happy to report I haven't had any side effects (except maybe being extra tired)... *knock on wood.* I'm so glad I have a good immune system!

Our first ultrasound is coming soon. I'm just waiting for the phone call to schedule it. Can't wait to see what we're having!

1 comment:

Brian and Becky said...

I saw this and was like...17 weeks already!? Oh, right, cuz I am 14! Duh!!!

I had an appt yesterday - you will have to read my blog - creepy weird blood things going on over here!!

Thankfully I had both flu shots already, and not at the same time. Tho, I am not so bothered by the little needles - but would be terrified of the biggun!

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