Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday: Llama Love

You know what they say: "A picture is worth a thousand words." So today I give you a photo instead of a story for Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesday post.

The following photo was taken on a trip to a petting zoo about a week ago, while we were on our family "mini vacation getaway." This photo's caption reads:

"Mommy, what are they doing?"

Uhhhhhh.... AWKWARD!


Sandy K. said...

And what did you tell that curious lad?:)

Christine said...

Ha ha! My response was an incredulous, "I don't KNOW!"

Torin said...

It's a nursing mommy! (yes, their teats are back there) Perfectly natural...

Christine said...

Janet, I can't believe Torin is already smarter than I am.

Wait.... Yes, I can.


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