Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BFF Visit

This weekend my amazing friend Nicole came down to Texas to visit.  She got to meet Chloe and see how much Chase has grown.  She helped out with Chloe and one night even stayed up with her all night long (what a saint)!  Of course while she was here we had to re-live the good ol' days and do some damage at DSW:

I tried to convince her to buy this hat (I mean, how adorable is she in this hat?!?) but I was unsuccessful:

Other than that we ate out a few times, saw a movie ("The Switch") and hung out in our PJ's.  Good times!  We laughed a ton and it was SO hard to drop her off at the airport today.  My eyes are tearing up right now just thinking about it.  *insert eye fanning here*  I miss you, Nicole!  I honestly don't know what I would do without you in my life....  *HUG*

1 comment:

Sandy K. said...

I forgot she was coming - what a great time you must have had:). She DOES look great in that hat. A Christmas gift?:):):)

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