Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chili Pfest

The kids and I check out the Chili Pfest this year, and it was a fun little outing. They had a car show, where the kids fell in love with a Transformers "Bumblebee" car:

And Chloe got to ride a pony, which is her favorite thing to do these days:

Afterwards we went to a nearby pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins...

...and take an obligatory family selfie:

The kids have their Halloween characters picked out, so now I get to begin the task of making their costumes.  Wish me luck!


Fall Fun

It's been awhile since I've updated the blog, which tells you how busy our life has been! Here are a few random photos of what we've been up to over the past month....

Chloe picked out her first car at the mall:

Chase entertained us in his underwear:

We had a neighborhood party and a fire truck came, which made Chloe happy (and it was loaded with firemen, which made Mom happy!):

We had a pajama party at my school:

We went to our neighbor's birthday party, where Chloe got to ride a pony:

And then I got to watch my children beat Elsa with a stick!  Ha ha ha!!

And saving the best for last....  I got to go to Houston to see my brother Kory and his love, Nanette!

Kory was very concerned about me being lonely, so he hooked me up with a cheetah while we were at the zoo:

I'm in looooooove!!!!  Ha ha!


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