Saturday, September 19, 2009

Conversations With a 2-Year-Old: Bullies

Brian and I are starting to worry that Chase is going to be the kid who all the bullies prey on in school. Here is a sampling of my conversations with him this week on the drive home from daycare, to illustrate my point:

Me: Did you have fun at daycare today?
Chase: Yeah.
Me: What did you do?
Chase: Alexander bit me.

Me: Did you have fun at daycare today?
Chase: Yeah.
Me: What did you do?
Chase: Alexander bit my finger.

Me: Did you have fun at daycare today?
Chase: Yeah.
Me: Did Alexander bite you today?
Chase: No.
Me: Well, that's good!
Chase: Zachary pushed me down.


Liza Jane said...

Too funny! Liam's in the same situation as Chase. However, after getting pushed around at preschool, he comes home to push/hit Davis or Elphie. Oh boy.

Sandy K. said...

Well, at least he's telling you about the situations. What do his teachers say?

Christine said...

Well after they had to fill out an accident report when Alexander left bite marks on his face the teachers talked to his parents. So they are aware.

Unknown said...

poor guy!

Well, I got 2 bits of bully bad news the other day when I picked up my kids. 1st - Sarah got bit by another kid. 2nd - Jacob BIT another kid. was the same least I don't have to feel the need to apologize to another parent!

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