Monday, June 8, 2015

Toe Drama

We have had a bit of toe drama at our house.  Chloe had to have ingrown toenails removed...

...and then I fractured my pinkie toe on my coffee table.  I wasn't going to go in to see the doctor, but after it kept getting worse and the pain spread I got worried I did something to a bone in my foot.  The thought of messing up my feet so I may never wear heels again drove me to the urgent care.  It was, in fact, just a toe fracture (top to bottom), but they put me in a boot.  When they came in the room with it, Chloe said, "Oh no, Mom....  That is not cute."  So she decided to decorate it with stickers when we got home:

Much better!  Ha ha!  Love that girl.

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