Sunday, September 13, 2015

Conversations With a 5-Year-Old: Do You Wanna Build a Fort?

Today was a lazy day at our house.  Chase was playing video games, Chloe was playing in her room, and Mom was playing on her phone.  Suddenly Chloe comes in...
CHLOE: Hey, Mom!  Wanna build a fort? 
MOM (feeling lazy): *sigh* I don't really wanna build a fort.... 
CHLOE:  You don't think you can do it? All you have to do is believe in yourself!
Who can argue with that?

So I followed her to her room and apparently she had been trying to make a fort on her own, but something was missing:

Hahahaha!!  We always use books to anchor the blankets down.  She just forgot the blankets!  Man, I love this girl.

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