Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Conversations with a 5-Year-Old: Mandarin Orange Battle

Today I had a battle with Chloe over mandarin oranges at lunch.  She kept trying to stall by engaging me in conversation, so I told her I wasn't going to talk to her again until her oranges were gone.  Shortly after that...
CHLOE: Mom? Mom? Mom. Mom. Mom. Mooooo-om. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mom. Mom. Mom? Mom! 
MOM: Chloe, I'm not talking to you until your oranges are gone. 
CHLOE: But you just talked to me when you told me that. 

For the record....  It took two hours but I WON.  HA!!

(OK, who is the child here??)


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